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Subject: Boundary Form Posted
Date: 28 Oct 2010 13:36:10 -0700
From: FCPS Outreach
Parents and community members who were unable to attend the southwestern boundary meetings this week can provide their feedback to the preliminary boundary options by completing and submitting the Community Dialogue feedback form on the boundary website. Those interested can view a video presentation and review maps illustrating the preliminary changes to assist in their evaluation, which also are available on the boundary website at http://www.fcps.edu/fts/planning/southwesternstudy/index.htm . The form will be available until midnight Wednesday, November 3. Facilities staff will review respondents’ ratings and feedback and revise the preliminary options. These options will be presented in a survey for community feedback later in November.
There are several updates to some of the data provided in the meeting handouts and feedback form; however, none of these updates substantively change the nature or characteristics of each of the three preliminary options. In addition, the information below is in response to questions at the meetings that may be helpful in the evaluation of these preliminary options:
• Each building addition will cost approximately $5-6 million.
• Yearly operating costs for our elementary schools average $1.1 million.
• Funding for building additions is available in construction reserve due to lower costs for construction and recent favorable bids for CIP projects.
• Timing for implementation of boundary changes will vary with each option. With the exception of boundary changes to Union Mill, Option A could be implemented as early as next year. For Options B and C, implementation for boundary changes would be predicated on the completion of building additions that would not be ready until school year 2013-14.
• Rising 6th graders are typically grandfathered per School Board policy.
• Changes to middle and high schools have not been proposed; feedback regarding the potential to send students that may be reassigned to Union Mill and Sangster elementary schools to feed to Centreville High and Liberty Middle and Lake Braddock Secondary, respectively, is specifically requested as part of the community dialogue process.
• Other than the specific changes for Advanced Academic Center (AAP) students referenced in each of the preliminary options, no other changes to AAP student assignments has been proposed at this time. Details about other potential AAP assignment changes may be forthcoming in the revised boundary options.
Elementary schools in the southwestern boundary study are: Bonnie Brae, Brookfield, Bull Run, Centre Ridge, Centreville, Clifton, Colin Powell, Cub Run, Deer Park, Eagle View, Fairfax Villa, Fairview, Greenbriar East, Greenbriar West, Laurel Ridge, London Towne, Oak View, Poplar Tree, Providence, Sangster, Union Mill, Virginia Run, and Willow Springs. Also, parents can provide their feedback on whether split feeders that may affect Robinson Secondary, Lake Braddock Secondary, Centreville High, and Liberty Middle should also be considered in this study.