Saturday, October 23, 2010

FCPS Southwest Boundary Study

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is conducting a boundary study to address overcrowding of elementary schools in the Southwest area. This includes Hunters Run and its local schools: Poplar Tree ES, Brookfield ES, and Greenbriar West ES.

The boundary survey proposes three options affecting Hunters Run and neighboring communities. They include

Option A: The communities of Hunters Run, Marian Woods, Poplar Grove, and Poplar Park will be reassigned from Poplar Tree ES to Brookfield ES.

Option B: The communities of Hunters Run, Marian Woods, Poplar Grove, and Poplar Park will be reassigned from Poplar Tree ES to Brookfield ES.

Option C: The communities of Hunters Run, Marian Woods, Poplar Grove, and Poplar Park will remain unchanged, continuing to send their children to Poplar Tree ES.

Residents of Hunters Run, Poplar Park, Poplar Grove, and Marian Woods should be concerned by options A and B. Compared to Poplar Tree ES, Brookfield ES represents a stark downgrade in testing scores and increased documented disciplinary issues. Consider the following data available from the FCPS website and a school ratings site popular with parents,

Poplar Tree ES

Brookfield ES

Homeowners of the affected communities will recognize an immediate impact to the value of their home if this school reassignment comes to pass. Consider comparing typical 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom recently sold home values between the affected neighborhoods and the areas currently served by Brookfield ES. Also consider the Fairfax County Crime Mapper, comparing the affected neighborhoods to Brookfield. There is a clear difference in value.

October 2010 Reported Crimes around Brookfield area

Linked is a historical implementation of boundary changes affecting high school students. That implementation affected only new enrolling students and transfers. It is unknown if currently enrolled students will be able to remain at their current schools.

Even if your household has no children in the school system, all of the affected neighborhoods are homes designed for families. Any future sale of your home will list Brookfield ES as the providing school, which will be a detractor for many potential buyers. That will limit the home's potential value on the market. The boundary study affects all property owners in the affected communities.

Linked is information on meetings accepting public comment on the proposed boundary implementations. Key meetings for our area are

Monday, October 25 7-9pm at Greenbrier West ES
Tuesday, October 26 7-9pm at Powell ES

Community members of Hunters Run, Marian Woods, Poplar Grove, and Poplar Park should attend one of these sessions and express their support for Option C against the reassignment of our neighborhoods to Brookfield ES. They should also contact their county representatives to express their views.

FCPS Sully District - Kathy Smith  571-423-1085
Fairfax County Supervisor Sully District - Michael Frey  703-814-7100.

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