Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What is really behind the FCPS southwest boundary study?

An anonymous reader left a link to http://savecliftonelementary.org this afternoon. The site contains the result of a FOIA request with emails pertaining to the Southwest Boundary study affecting our neighborhood. I am reposting the content here (it's extremely long, so be sure to click the link below the first email for the full text). It is an astounding read. Get to know your Board members.

----- Original Message ----From: hunt4vasenate@cox.net
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Thu Jul 01 09:43:30 2010
Subject: RE: CIP Update: July School Board Action
If you wanted to argue that WSHS is in greater need of renovation than
Clifton ES and the schools should be switched in the CIP, I believe that
would be viable arguement andone that I would be supportive. It does not
require the closing of Clifton ES.
We obviously see this from a different perspective. I live in the Clifton
ES boundary area. I was a precinct captian in Clifton while not actually
voting there. I am a member of the Clifton Lions Club. I know this
community. I have fought for communities all across Fairfax County. Most
of the Clifton ES boundary area is not in the 37th Senate DIstrict. I also
work hard for children whether the live in Graham Road area or Clifton. To
state that I am advocating for my political future is counter to my track
record and an unfair assumption as to my motivations.

---- "Bradsher wrote:
> Steve,
> Money for Clifton is coming from the CIP and is a line item for Clifton.
Monies for capacity enhancement are coming from our Undesignated Funding
Line items which is on the CIP. Two separate avenues/line items for
funding. Savings from Clifton go back into the queue.
> I have to leave for work, so excuse the brevity of this email. The books
were not cooked. This time around, due to my work and others for South
County, there is a demographer on staff, a county planner, and FCPS pulls
data from many different resources for projections. You, of all people,
should support this. What you and others are doing for Clifton is
advocating for your political future. I don't play this game when children
are involved.
> Liz

From: Erik & Mary Hawkins
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:20 AM
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member);
Wardinski, Paul A.; Hawkins, Erik; Leslie Carlin; Christine Morin; Lorey
Goerlinger; Lynn Smith; Monique Craft; Nancy Knickerbocker; Paul
Liberty; Rob Robertory; Chadwell, Laura G
Cc: Christian Deschauer; Cain, Debora L.
Subject: Re: SOAR Leadership - WSHS - Conf Call Wed 6/23 @ 3PM?
I think a conference call is the best approach for us
to meet to get aligned in advance of the July SB-Staff CIP meetings. I
checked with Liz and she is available Wed 6/23 @ 3PM. Could you all
make yourself available for an hour at that time to meet? Please let me
The meeting objective will be to discuss and align on an
advocacy strategy for the coming month or so to parallel the July CIP
meetings. And I now think we need to start with a SB email campaign
regarding the Clifton ES vote on July 8.
Thanks, Erik

----- Original Message ----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)

To: 'em.hawkins@verizon.net'
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: SOAR Leadership - WSHS - Conf Call Wed 6/23 @ 3PM?
It would be helpful if SOAR drafted a letter requesting
the Board make prudently fiscal decisions when considering renovatoion
needs. You don't have to mention a specific school, just positively
refer to wise renovation based decisions which will have impacts on
future projects. This will tell members: #1. SOAR remains intouch with
the current issues and #2 SOAR continues to seek earlier bonding for

From: Erik & Mary Hawkins [mailto:em.hawkins@verizon.net]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 10:49 PM
To: Christian Deschauer; Chadwell, Laura G; Rob Robertory; Paul
Liberty; Nancy Knickerbocker; Monique Craft; Lynn Smith; Lorey
Goerlinger; Christine Morin; Leslie Carlin; Wardinski, Paul A.;
Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member); Hawkins, Erik; Pat Herrity
Subject: Re: MEETING NOTES: 6/23 SOAR Leadership Conf Call
Hi Team,
Here are meeting notes from last week's call:

Attending: Erik, Liz, Pat, Monique, Laurie, Christian, Lynn, Paul L

Liz provided key July dates of CIP-impacting SB/Staff action:
July 8 - SB vote on Clifton ES/Southwestern Study; 7/19 Work Session - Facilities Staff
will provide the SB a detailed CIP readout/status update
Pat shared that at a recent BOS meeting, he recommended that "The BOS
and the SB should work together to accelerate CIP projects including "design build"
Liz shared that FCPS staff had replied via email earlier on 6/23 that "design
build" planning would not work for renovation projects but might be an option for new
A lot of discussion followed between Liz and Pat over both this issue as
well as the Clifton ES issue and they referenced a meeting that was to be held later that
Erik also asked Liz for recommendations and advice on what SOAR can do
now given the CIP SB/Staff activity happening in July. She replied that SOAR should
execute an email campaign to SB members that without mentioning any specific schools
or projects (Clifton ES), we request that the SB make prudent fiscal CIP decisions given
the reality that the CIP is underfunded and CIP budget is very constrained. And that this
email campaign needs to be done now before 7/8 and that SB members are getting a lot
of emails from the Clifton community.
And Liz advised that the West Springfield community needs to get this
message across to the SB and needs to make its community voice heard amid all the other
messages SB members are receiving on the SW County issues.
Time is of the essence to get this message across over the next week with
the July 4th holiday in the middle.

Attached (see page 2) is a WS community email that I will release tonight
to our entire SOAR distro (WS community + all SB + Facilities FCPS Staff +
Herrity/Bulova/Cook BOS + media). The purpose of this email will be to reengage our
community and also to let SB know that we are aware of and watching SW Study
I will then repurpose this email over the next day or so to send an "Open
Letter to the School Board" from SOAR. I can send that draft for review but want to try
to get this sent by Sat AM at the latest.
Then I think since we do not have a lot of time, can each of us send an
email to 2, 3, 5 or however many personal friends/neighbors/contacts asking them to send
emails with this same message to all SB members at the email address
I think this is the most effective way to get WS community emails sent quickly and on
message and I do not have time to educate and motivate the entire WS community to
send SB emails on the SW issue that is probably under the radar for the vast majority
of our community. I think if each of us send a targeted personal email to
friends/neighbors, etc, we can get our WS community message across quickly and
effectively and can at least get our community voice heard to the SB in advance of the
July 8 Clifton ES/SW Study vote. Thoughts?
Leslie has already done this and her email is copied below. I will do something similar
probably late Fri or Sat AM at the latest.
Also at the 6/23 meeting, we agreed to schedule SOAR face-to-face
meetings with SB members Reed and Evans (new to SB to educate on CIP, meet & greet,
etc) and BOS Herrity, Bulova and Cook – to follow up on meetings last summer when
they requested that we keep them informed. Paul L will help me schedule those in July.
Thanks, Erik
-------------------------------Leslie's email:
Hey everyone…I hope you’re having a good summer so far (hope Bermuda,
Myrtle Beach, Cape Cod and other beaches were/are fun!!). I’m asking for your help
with getting WSHS renovated as soon as possible!!!! We REALLY need to SEND the
SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS as many emails as possible regarding the WSHS
RENOVATION. As some of you know, many people spoke to the School Board last
night about renovating Clifton Elementary. Without mentioning Clifton at all, we need to
be vocal about WSHS once again, and remind the SB that we are still waiting for a
much needed, much anticipated renovation.
I am attaching a sample text that you can use directly, or if you’d like to
amend/change it, that would work also. I’m sure Erik will be sending something as well.

In order for the message to go to all of the members, please use
schoolboardmembers@fcps.edu. PLEASE PLEASE let’s keep WSHS in the forefront …
there is a possibility that we can move to be on the bond in 2011….that is next year!!!!
So please send this to your neighbors, friends, relatives, and anyone else, and have
them send it to the school board. Let’s get WSHS renovated ASAP!!
The vote is on July 8, so the sooner, the better.
Thanks, Leslie
Dear Fairfax County School Board Members
This letter is to remind you that WEST SPRINGFIELD HIGH SCHOOL is in
desperate need of renovation. I encourage you to please take the most fiscally
responsible action and use the scarce capital funds available to renovate WSHS and other
LEGACY high schools that are in dire need of renovation as soon as possible. As you
are aware, WSHS is already over capacity and is projected to be over capacity by several
hundred more students in three to four years. WSHS, its facilities and amenities are
outdated, in disrepair and are inadequate—they do not meet current educational
specifications, especially in science, technology and music. The school is used by
thousands of students, community members and the county on a 24-7 basis. As a
community-use school, WSHS serves so many people -- funding this renovation is a
sound and responsible financial move.
As the current economic state continues to positively impact the CIP, causing
project bids to come in under budget projections, I hope you will take the steps that result
in the most significant cost savings and the most prudent use of money for FCPS
students. We appreciate your careful and sensible consideration of all renovation
proposals. Thank you –
----- Original Message ----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)

To: 'Rob Robertory' ; 'Erik
& Mary Hawkins' ; Chadwell, Laura G
; 'Paul Liberty'
; 'Nancy Knickerbocker'
; 'Monique Craft'
; 'Lynn Smith'
; 'Lorey Goerlinger'
; 'Christine Morin' ;
'Leslie Carlin' ; Wardinski, Paul A.
; 'Hawkins, Erik'

Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: MEETING NOTES: 6/23 SOAR Leadership Conf Call
Thanks Rob.
Monique Craft from SOAR was the Bond Rep. for this past year and
I will continue to look for such profile positions for SOAR. SOAR is
seen as a positive presence and thankfully the SB realizes this school
and the others need a renovation. I have asked SOAR to send very
general emails on the importance of watching CIP dollars and believe the
Clifton issue is not being mentioned. This stays out of the “weeds” but
sends a positive message for CIP support and fiscal decisions.
We will have a CIP discussion on July 19th so such general
emails tie in nicely with this discussion.
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070

> From: Erik & Mary Hawkins [mailto:em.hawkins@verizon.net]
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:08 AM
> To: hunt4vasenate@cox.net
> Cc: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member); Erik Work
> Subject: Re: CIP Update: July School Board Action
> Hi Steve,
> I believe that Staff and SB have discussed the entire Southwestern Study
issue on several occasions - at SB work sessions on 6/14 and then again on
6/29. Attached is a FCPS doc from the 6/14 work session when staff
presented the entire final report of the Southwestern Study. In addition to
the Clifton ES issue, I think that Staff/SB is considering adding additions
to 4 or so other schools. I have copied Liz on this email as well for
> Also, SOAR is taking no position on the Clifton ES issue. All we are
asking is that the School Board be mindful of the fact that CIP capital
budgets are very constrained and be make prudent fiscal decisions in
determining what capacity enhancement projects are needed. The current
economy has generated CIP project cost savings. And capacity enhancement
projects are prioritized ahead of renovation ones. So all we are asking is
to use the limited CIP dollars and cost savings wisely in solving capacity
enhancement needs so that as much of these savings as possible can be
redeployed to the renovation queue, where there are obvious urgent needs.
> Regards,
> Erik

From: Wardinski, Paul A.
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:17 AM
To: 'Erik & Mary Hawkins'; Leslie Carlin; Chadwell, Laura G
Subject: RE: MEETING NOTES: 6/23 SOAR Leadership Conf Call
Erik-If the PTSA sends me something from them to send to the community from
them to support SOAR’s email effort, encouraging them to go to your
website, etc., I think, even though it is a gray area, we could send it.
It must be from Laurie, the new PTSA President, and very clear this is
from her and the PTSA and not the school nor an outside group. It must
be positive and must not mention any other school in a negative fashion,
only supporting overall CIP efforts and WSHS.
Thanks from Hershey on y way to Cape Cod—
Paul A. Wardinski
West Springfield High School
6100 Rolling Road
Springfield, Virginia 22152

From: Rob Robertory [mailto:rrobertory1@earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 4:31 PM
To: 'Erik & Mary Hawkins'; 'Christian Deschauer'; Chadwell, Laura G; 'Paul Liberty';
'Nancy Knickerbocker'; 'Monique Craft'; 'Lynn Smith'; 'Lorey Goerlinger'; 'Christine Morin';
'Leslie Carlin'; Wardinski, Paul A.; Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member); 'Hawkins, Erik';
'Pat Herrity'
Subject: RE: MEETING NOTES: 6/23 SOAR Leadership Conf Call
I would once again suggest completely staying away from the Clifton ES issue and
removing all reference to it in your communications. Although possibly relevant to your issue
depending on outcome it is a political hot potato and I don’t think we (you) should have any
mention of Clifton or “July 8th voting” in your emails. We don’t want another advocacy group
against us if we can help it and these are very passionate and determined people not unlike SOAR.
With regards to Fairfax Caps I would also recommend caution as they have had (and
maybe this has changed) and adversarial role with the Board and Facilities. I really don’t see the
value here in engaging them unless CAPS is coming out against SOAR. IMHO SOAR right now
has the strongest “brand” in FCPS advocacy.
SOAR has the enviable position of being in Facilities and the Board’s graces mainly due
to your positive, dignified & unified message, community support, and your worthy cause. You
are in the CIP slot and the only thing we can do is to accelerate it with the entire queue to the
ultimate goal of WSHS 2016 starting with bonding in 2011. I believe Kevin & Dean want to do it
earlier. I think staying in touch with them regularly is key to check in on the renovation savings
and any other savings that moves the entire queue.
The second part of this is school board member education on the renovation queue for the
Legacy 5 high schools as you mentioned. I would be glad to go on any meetings with SB
members where I could add value as I believe I still have a relatively good reputation and
relationship with many. The at large members and the affected SB
members in the other Legacy 4 would be my main targets…obviously Liz’s advocacy is critical
to both Facilities and other board members. I met with Patty to help her with her campaign and
also know Sandy well from her SLEEP days.
I think everything else is “noise”…and we found the closer we were to our goal with SCMS the
louder the noise got. I believe we need to stay crisp and clear and not get caught up in the
At some point I believe Liz picks someone to be on the bond committee or whatever it is
called…it would be good if this was a SOAR person.
IMHO & Happy Holidays
Rob Robertory
7851 Bressingham Drive
Fairfax Station, VA 22039
(h) 703.690.3964
(f) 703.690.3634
(cell) 703.587.6651

From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) [ETBradsher@fcps.edu]
To: Scott Strzinek
Sent: 7/7/2010 9:28:52 AM
Subject: RE: WSHS Renovation
Dear Scott,
Thank you so much for sending this email! I am working hard on this issue and
tomorrow’s vote will impact thousands of students not just those at Clifton ES. This will
be a most difficult vote but I believe I must do what is best for all students this includes
students and the communities of WSHS.
I very much appreciate your email.
Liz Torpey Bradsher
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
From: Scott Strzinek [mailto:scottstrzinek@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:05 AM
To: School Board Members
Subject: WSHS Renovation
Dear Fairfax County School Board Members ,
This letter is to remind you that WEST SPRINGFIELD HIGH SCHOOL is in
desperate need of renovation. I encourage you to please take the most
fiscally responsible action and use the scarce capital funds available
to renovate WSHS and other LEGACY high schools that are in dire need of
renovation as soon as possible. As you are aware, WSHS is already over
capacity and is projected to be over capacity by several hundred more
students in three to four years. WSHS, its facilities and amenities are
outdated, in disrepair and are inadequate—they do not meet current
educational specifications, especially in science, technology and music.
The school is used by thousands of students, community members and the

county on a 24-7 basis. As a community-use school, WSHS serves so many
people -- funding this renovation is a sound and responsible financial move.
As the current economic state continues to positively impact the CIP,
causing project bids to come in under budget projections, I hope you
will take the steps that result in the most significant cost savings and
the most prudent use of money for FCPS students. We appreciate your
careful and sensible consideration of all renovation proposals.
Thank you,
Scott Strzinek... a concerned parent of two West Springfield students
who will be affected by your vote tomorrow.

From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 8:55 AM
To: Eatmon, Cassandra
Subject: RE: Checking in
Thinking the 22nd might work, friends should be back from vacation. I also want to send
out invites, would that be OK with you?
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
-----Original Message----From: Eatmon, Cassandra
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 8:46 AM
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Subject: RE: Checking in
I have the following dates left for August: 5th, 6th, 19th and 22nd. Let me know which is
best for you. Does the School Board get some time off in August?
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 7:52 AM
To: Eatmon, Cassandra
Subject: RE: Checking in
Thanks Cassie for agreeing to talk with the new Committee members and for your
AND YES, send me some dates that would work for you and I think it would be fun for
me to do a little something different and connect with friends after a long School Board
season. Many enjoy Willow House products and I think would be interested.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
PS Just an FYI I live off of 123 about 2.5 miles south of Burke Lake Park off
Silverbrook Rd.
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board

Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
-----Original Message----From: Eatmon, Cassandra
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 5:27 AM
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Subject: RE: Checking in
Good Morning Liz,
I am so sorry to hear what's been happening! How they can be so hateful over what was
a common sense decision by the Board, is incomprehensible. If anything, you led an
effort that put more time and resources into looking at the situation than has ever been
done in the past. The FCPS staff were not convinced it was cost effective to renovate
Clifton, the majority of our committee of community members did not find it fiscally
prudent to renovate Clifton, and even the speakers at the Public Hearing could only site
(accurately) emotional reasons for not closing Clifton. After reviewing all the reports -and there were a TON of them -- the vote by the Board was not even close.
Don't give up on your Board seat yet. FCPS needs common sense people, like you, who
are looking out of the good of all the kids, not just those in their district. November 2011
is a long way off and many good things will happen between now and then. Clifton will
get used to the idea, there will be less unknowns after the boundary study is done, and
maybe everyone will look forward to the changes to come. I'm an eternal optimist!
Denise did contact me about the Annandale study and I said I'd be happy to help. I
believe this process you all set up is good for FCPS and for the community. It takes a
village, right? I also submitted my application to Kathy to serve on the FPAC -- that's
how much I believe in the process.
I just got back from my Southern Living -- now Willow House-- Convention and am
really excited about the changes coming with the new company! I would love to do a
party with you and your crazy friends. I do shows in Springfield all the time.
Thankfully, the FC Parkway has made getting around Fairfax a lot easier. I'm out of
town from the 10th to the 16th. Would you prefer a weeknight or a weekend? I can give
you some dates based on that. In August, not only do you have the new catalog, but it's
also Double Host Rewards and the host special and customer specials are "pick-yourown!" Send me your address and I'll put a catalog in the mail to you.
Stay strong, my friend. This, too, shall pass. The wounds are still fresh for the Clifton
folks, but in the long run I believe the Board's decision will be seen as the right one.

The Fairfax County School Board on September 23, 2010, appointed 13 citizens—one from each Fairfax County magisterial district,
one from the City of Fairfax, and three at-large members—to Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) newly formed Facilities
Planning Advisory Council (FPAC). The first FPAC meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 1600, Gatehouse Administration Center, 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, VA 22042.
The following is the list of School Board members and their FPAC member appointees:

Tessie Wilson, Braddock District--Kristen Irvin
Jane Strauss, Dranesville District--Adam Siegel
Stu Gibson, Hunter Mill District--Howard Perlstein
Brad Center, Lee District--Steve Dietz
Sandy Evans, Mason District--Daniel Aminoff
Dan Storck, Mount Vernon District--Chad Coneway
Patty Reed, Providence District--Bonnie Vancheri
Elizabeth Bradsher, Springfield District--Scott Strzinek
Kathy Smith, Sully District--Cassandra Eatmon
Tina Hone, at large--Jonathan Crutcher
Illryong Moon, at large--J. Ernest Jutte
James Raney, at large--Karen Hogan
City of Fairfax--Allen Griffith

Elizabeth Bradsher, chairman of the Comprehensive Planning Development Committee (CPDC), will serve as the School Board
liaison for the FPAC.
The School Board recently approved the formation of a Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) as a new standing
committee of the Board. The mission of the advisory council is to advise and inform the staff and School Board in the development
of comprehensive, long term plans for facilities needs in the most effective and efficient way.
This initiative is the result of the School Board’s Comprehensive Plan Development Committee (CPDC) which had been charged
with designing a recommendation for a comprehensive facilities planning process in order to address

A need for increased public awareness when a school boundary study was eminent;
A need for increased public validation that facilities issues existed which could require a boundary study;
A need for a more regional, long range approach to facilities planning that is not provided in the current Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) development process.

FPAC will consist of 13 appointed members, one from each Fairfax County magisterial district, three at-large representatives, and
one representative from the City of Fairfax. Issues which may be considered by the advisory council shall include, but not be
limited to:

school program capacity
enrollment and projections
transportation and operating efficiencies related to facilities planning
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) prioritization
creative financing and construction strategies
scope of renovations
school closures and new schools
student accommodation planning (building additions/modular relocations/ review of school boundaries)

The CPDC’s research led to the decision to create and establish an “umbrella planning group” to interact with staff, the community
and the Board, providing district-wide comprehensive planning oversight and guidance. The establishment of a Facilities Planning
Advisory Council will serve to further the intent of School Board Policy 8120.1, Facilities Planning, School Planning, which directs
the preparation of a Capital Improvement Plan, program based school capacities, size and location of schools, periodic boundary
adjustments and most importantly, community involvement.
Information on the School Board’s action related to the formation of the Facilities Planning Advisory Council, including the proposal
for FPAC, may be found on BoardDocs (Agendas and Supporting Materials) under May 20, 2010, Action Items.

From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
To: Wardinski, Paul A. ; Hawkins, Erik; 'Monique Craft' ; 'Leslie
Cc: 'Rob Robertory'
Sent: Wed Jul 07 16:46:20 2010
Subject: FW: Your Vote on 7/8/2010 and renovation dollars
Well, I think I made a difference to one former WSHS student, see below.
This was quite a surprise! The emails are coming in and it is of assistance to me. I
appreciate all your continued support.
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
From: Stacey Torpey [mailto:STorpey@benedict-torpey.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:42 PM
To: School Board Members
Subject: Your Vote on 7/8/2010 and renovation dollars
Importance: High
Dear School Board Members:
I am a 1980 graduate of WSHS. Recently I toured the school building. I was a surprised
and disappointed at the condition of the school. The school is in need of repair and
modernization. When I inquired about the condition of this school to my sister,
Elizabeth Bradsher, I was told this school was on the renovation queue. The needs of this
school appear to have been overlooked and/or not properly prioritized. Elizabeth
indicated there are several other high schools similar in size and age to WSHS awaiting
renovations. WSHS was and still is a wonderful school that serves thousands of students
a year. In addition, it is truly a hub for the greater WSHS community by providing
evening educational and other county uses.
Many of the schools in Fairfax have a tremendous history of achievement. WSHS is one
of these schools. When funding is scare, it is even more important and your obligation to
all the constituents of Fairfax County not to be persuaded by the high emotions of a vocal
minority of impacted constituents. By catering to these high emotions, schools such as
WSHS will suffer and you will miss the opportunity to use scare funds where they will
have the most impact and where they are most needed. I sincerely hope you not only

examine the current facts/statistics but look to the future and potential impact of your
funding choices.
This year your Board voted on a needs based budget. Your vote tomorrow is on an issue
that will potentially impact not just 340 elementary students in one school but it will also
impact thousands of students who attend schools similar in need to West Springfield.
Please remember those thousand of students that will be impacted by your vote
Please remember your obligation to these students to base your vote on need and reason
not on emotion.
------Stacey Anne Torpey
Class of 1980 – West Springfield High School
Stacey Anne Torpey
Benedict & Torpey, P.C.
2470 Windy Hill Road, Suite 129
Marietta, GA 30067
(404) 474-3460 (telephone)
(404) 474-8968 (facsimile)
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Message File name: FW Amendment appeal.msg
-----Original Message----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member) [mailto:jlraney@fcps.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 9:29 AM
To: Farrell, Kim
Cc: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
Subject: RE: Amendment appeal
Tina, Kim:
I believe Liz Bradsher is working up a similar (substitute) motion. In my view, such a
motion would give FCPS the opportunity to explore other options in addition to those
listed in your e-mail, such as sale/lease of the school and/or establishing a private school
or a FCPS charter school servicing the Clifton attendance area. I would prefer to
postpone any further consideration of closing CES for 3-5 years, but keep CES on the
CIP in the renovation queue, to give the Clifton community and FCPS time to explore
options. I would second or support such a motion, whether offered by Tina or Liz. I will
be in Chicago July 2-7 but back on July 8 for the vote. I can be reached by e-mail or cell
phone, 703-244-9445.
Very respectfully,
James L. "Jim" Raney, Ph.D.
Fairfax County School Board
Member At Large
Tel: 571-423-1091
Executive Administrative Assistant:
Deb Cain, Tel: 571-423-1070

Message File name: Fw Amendment (299).msg
From: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member) [sdgibson@fcps.edu]
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: 7/6/2010 7:47:48 PM
Subject: Fw: Amendment
Please tell her and the rest of us you do not support this. No one should get the wrong
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
----- Original Message ----From: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
To: School Board Members
Cc: Goddard, Pam; Dale, Jack; Tistadt, Dean
Sent: Tue Jul 06 19:25:49 2010
Subject: Amendment
I am submitting this amendment primarily as a placeholder. I have discussed this with
Liz. I know that she has been working to frame something and I would certainly defer to
her amendment if it is consistent with the intent of this one. I'm hoping we can avoid a
long drawn out email dialogue here. I will reach out to folks if necessary. But again, I'm
hopeful Liz pulls a compromise together that we can all support.
" I move to defer consideration of clifton renovations or closure until 2015 and, to the
extent permissible by law, accelerate other projects in the CIP queue."
I may have the date wrong. But I believe 2015 is the next time clifton would come up for
a "safety" review. I also don't know the legalities of moving projects up in the queue.
Thanks much. Tina

From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
To: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
Sent: Tue Jul 06 19:54:55 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
I support keeping clifton es open until 2015 or so and using cip $ for other needs in the
meantime and would second motion if needed
----- Original Message ----From: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
To: School Board Members
Cc: Goddard, Pam; Dale, Jack; Tistadt, Dean
Sent: Tue Jul 06 19:25:49 2010
Subject: Amendment
I am submitting this amendment primarily as a placeholder. I have discussed this with
Liz. I know that she has been working to frame something and I would certainly defer to
her amendment if it is consistent with the intent of this one. I'm hoping we can avoid a
long drawn out email dialogue here. I will reach out to folks if necessary. But again, I'm
hopeful Liz pulls a compromise together that we can all support.
" I move to defer consideration of clifton renovations or closure until 2015 and, to the
extent permissible by law, accelerate other projects in the CIP queue."
I may have the date wrong. But I believe 2015 is the next time clifton would come up for
a "safety" review. I also don't know the legalities of moving projects up in the queue.
Thanks much. Tina
From: "Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member)"
To: "Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)"
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 15:02:42 -0400
Subject: RE: Amendment
Kathy and I asked Jack to call Jim this morning. And you know that Dean had a long
conversation with Jim. We're watching your back!
Tessie Wilson
Vice Chairman
School Board Member
Braddock District
-----Original Message----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:50 PM
To: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member); Smith, Kathy L (School Board Member);
Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
Subject: Fw: Amendment
Fyi -- please do not forward
----- Original Message ----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)

To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:22:34 2010
Subject: Fw: Amendment
-------------------------Sent using BlackBerry
----- Original Message ----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
To: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:11:18 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
I got msg from jack and talked with dean at length and am now less interested in delaying
closure decision for 5 years because of precedent of altering cip queue and political
support from bos for cip but would still second amendment and maybe not vote for it so
am now leaning toward closure
Sent using BlackBerry
Message File name: FW Amendment.msg
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) [ETBradsher@fcps.edu]
To: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member); Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member)
Sent: 7/7/2010 9:29:34 PM
Subject: FW: Amendment
No further please.
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
-----Original Message----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:06 PM
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Subject: RE: Amendment
I will be at cell phone tomorrow, 703-244-9445. I have told Tina I will support her
amendment. If it fails, I will support the motion to close CES.

Very respectfully,
James L. "Jim" Raney, Ph.D.
Fairfax County School Board
Member At Large
Tel: 571-423-1091
Executive Administrative Assistant:
Deb Cain, Tel: 571-423-1070
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:52 PM
To: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
Subject: Re: Amendment
I will call you. At work all day today. I want to follow-up with you and appreciate this
information. When I discovered CIP ramifications I realized I needed some soul
searching and spent last night and today doing this.
----- Original Message ----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:22:34 2010
Subject: Fw: Amendment
-------------------------Sent using BlackBerry
----- Original Message ----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
To: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:11:18 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
I got msg from jack and talked with dean at length and am now less interested in delaying
closure decision for 5 years because of precedent of altering cip queue and political
support from bos for cip but would still second amendment and maybe not vote for it so
am now leaning toward closure

Message File name: FW Amendment (287).msg
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) [ETBradsher@fcps.edu]
To: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
Sent: 7/7/2010 8:26:59 AM
Subject: FW: Amendment
I just got this from Tina---keep to yourself but I thought you might appreciate reading it
due to our telephone conversation this AM.
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
-----Original Message----From: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:22 AM
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Subject: Re: Amendment
Don't lock yourself in a box. I see you struggle and agonize over equity and I admire you
for it. But fairness and equity are not the same. Life isn't neat. You know that. You are
not helping clifton and perpetuating an inequity (which I think is what is tormenting you
on this decision). This is about the 1300 kids and more outside of clifton. That is the real
crisis. Closing clifton does not meaningfully contribute to fixing that challenge. And
keeping it open - without spending taxpayer dollars on renovations - does not hurt those
1300 kids. We can fix the overcrowding without hurting clifton or wasting taxpayer
money. It is the win win win.

Message File name: Re Amendment (266).msg
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) [ETBradsher@fcps.edu]
To: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
Sent: 7/7/2010 3:06:03 PM
Subject: Re: Amendment
Thank you Ben!
----- Original Message ----From: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 15:04:55 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
"We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately." Benjamin
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
----- Original Message ----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
To: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 14:53:51 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
I am hanging!!!
----- Original Message ----From: Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 14:50:29 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
Whew! Hang in there.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
----- Original Message ----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
To: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member); Smith, Kathy L (School Board Member);
Gibson, Stuart (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 14:49:49 2010
Subject: Fw: Amendment
Fyi -- please do not forward

----- Original Message ----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:22:34 2010
Subject: Fw: Amendment
-------------------------Sent using BlackBerry
----- Original Message ----From: Raney, Jim (School Board Member)
To: Hone, Tina (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:11:18 2010
Subject: Re: Amendment
I got msg from jack and talked with dean at length and am now less interested in delaying
closure decision for 5 years because of precedent of altering cip queue and political
support from bos for cip but would still second amendment and maybe not vote for it so
am now leaning toward closure

Message File name: Re Amendment (270).msg
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) [ETBradsher@fcps.edu]
To: Tistadt, Dean
Sent: 7/7/2010 2:57:32 PM
Subject: Re: Amendment
I owe you a keg!
----- Original Message ----From: Tistadt, Dean
To: Smith, Kathy L (School Board Member); Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member);
Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 07 13:25:54 2010
Subject: RE: Amendment
Jim Rainey just called me from the Chicago airport. He asked about why we would need
to renovate Clifton if it stayed open. I replied that the sanctity of the renovation queue
has served this system extremely well and deviating from it has huge implications to
include the potential that the BOS might ask why we need $155 million a year for our
capital program if renovations to schools like Clifton really are not necessary.
He asked about capacity in surrounding schools if we close Clifton. I replied that there
was capacity and that if we are willing to send Clifton students to more than one school
(which he said he was willing to do), about 1/2 the students could go to schools that
would not be part of the Route 29 corridor overcrowding solution.
He asked about what we would do with the building. I said we would try to find a tenant
to include private schools, the county, and the Town of Clifton. We would have at least a
year for this effort. If this was not successful, I would advocate for razing the building
which would cost about $1 million.
He asked about a land swap for property near Colin Powell/Eagle View and I said we
were still exploring that possibility but nothing was known to be viable yet. I said
building additions and boundaries could solve the overcrowding problem.

-----Original Message----From: davealbo@aol.com <davealbo@aol.com>
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 14 22:01:20 2010
Subject: Re: Sound bites
editor from Connection called and thanked me for the decision and
renewing faith for elected officials.
Uh oh!!! Dem paper! Just kidding. Glad they noticed you took the
"Non Politician vote" As for the "jugular". Don't mention any names.
Just say, "I am a fiscal conservative, and that means that when the
taxpayers' money is not being spent wisely, whether its in my district
or not, I vote with the taxpayers..." Take the high road and use "I am
a fiscal conservative.." And you are home free, baby!
-----Original Message----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) <ETBradsher@fcps.edu>
To: 'davealbo@aol.com' <davealbo@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2010 9:43 pm
Subject: Re: Sound bites
My stuff hit tomorrow, Peggy Fox called me and supports my action,
running a story on it, editor from Connection called and thanked me for
the decision and renewing faith for elected officials.
I don't have Pat and Tim's staff, doing the best I can. System coming
out next week with a statement. When I get home I go for the jugular.
-----Original Message----From: davealbo@aol.com <davealbo@aol.com>
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 14 17:48:42 2010
Subject: Re: Sound bites
Thanks, at the beach now. I hear Pat and Tim and their staff using me
as fodder on the blogs. Nice guys.
That's why I said you should be out agressively getting your fiscal
conservative message out. Need to fight fire with fire.
-----Original Message----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
To: 'davealbo@aol.com' <davealbo@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2010 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: Sound bites

Thanks, at the beach now. I hear Pat and Tim and their staff using me
as fodder on the blogs. Nice guys.
------Original Message-----From: davealbo@aol.com
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Re: Sound bites
Sent: Jul 14, 2010 4:33 PM
Take care and thank you---I have received many emails thanking me.
You will get more votes for doing the fiscal conservative tough decision
than you will from losing votes in Clifton. And in Clifton, the only votes
you lose are the 300 families with students in the school. If you figure
that 40% of those are Dems who would never vote for you, you are only losing
180 households. You gain much much more than that AND you establish your
"TeaParty" credentials.
-----Original Message----From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) <ETBradsher@fcps.edu>
To: 'davealbo@aol.com' <davealbo@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Jul 11, 2010 8:33 pm
Subject: Re: Sound bites
Dave, I appreciate your counsel on all this. Pat and Tim have chosen to tank me and my
I worked on several pieces of PR before I left and will continue to do so on
Monday. I will make a point to talk with FCPS PR to gain further
assistance. Take care and thank you---I have received many emails thanking me.

From: "Hawkins, Erik"
To: Rob Robertory , Erik & Mary Hawkins
, Monique Craft , "Bradsher,
Elizabeth (School Board Member)" , Lynn Smith
, Leslie Carlin , Paul Wardinski
, Paul Liberty
Subject: RE: FEC Press Statement: Vote to Close Clifton ES - PRESS
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 09:47:15 -0400
I agree 100% with Rob's and Paul L's comments. We can "quietly" work to position WSHS in the
2011 bond while all the "noise" swirls around us. We have a sound focused summer advocacy
strategy of key meetings so now let's just execute it.
Thanks, Erik
From: Rob Robertory
To: 'Erik & Mary Hawkins' , 'Monique Craft'
, "'Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)'"
, 'Lynn Smith' , 'Leslie Carlin'
, 'Paul Wardinski' , 'Paul
CC: 'Erik Work'
Subject: RE: FEC Press Statement: Vote to Close Clifton ES - PRESS
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 09:29:25 -0400
This is very similar to the fallout from the Western boundary study which gave birth to Fairfax
Caps….this group will have (already has) an antagonistic agenda towards staff/board while
staff/school board seem to be on SOAR’s side which is a conflict IMHO for SOAR to join up with
I reiterate IMHO it is time for the “game behind the game” in which Liz works in conjunction with
those meeting with Dean & Kevin quietly to advocate for WSHS bond in 2011. I thing being
“quietly effective” will yield more results then being “loud and confrontational” as FEC et. al. are
and will be.
I think it is also important to keep up the meetings with the school board members for educational
purposes…for Hone and Evans would suggest you do without Liz’s involvement. Especially for
Evans as a district SB it would be good to know which of her schools might be moved up in the
renovation queue do to economic factors and potentially any savings from Clifton ES.
But I would maintain my steer clear advice…we used the “noise” of the western boundary study
to “quietly” get SCMS positioned…
Rob Robertory
7851 Bressingham Drive
Fairfax Station, VA 22039
(h) 703.690.3964
(f) 703.690.3634
(cell) 703.587.6651

Message File name: Re attendance list.msg
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) [ETBradsher@fcps.edu]
To: James, Denise
Sent: 7/21/2010 1:04:03 PM
Subject: Re: attendance list
I will call you then in the late afternoon to follow up!
From: James, Denise
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 21 12:45:03 2010
Subject: RE: attendance list
No worries � meeting at 1 with Toms Italiano and Mantzoros to look at best options for
Clifton based on transportation routes - \

From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:41 PM
To: James, Denise
Subject: Re: attendance list
I will call you so many questions and the Bberry is just too slow!
From: James, Denise
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Cc: Cain, Debora L.
Sent: Wed Jul 21 12:30:27 2010
Subject: RE: attendance list
On a different matter, I will draft a thank you note to Mr. Reed from Loudoun for his visit
to CPDC for your review and signature and a letter of thanks and appreciation for the SW
study group � should that SW letter be from you as CPDC chair or you on behalf of
Chairman Smith and the entire Board - how do you want this structured? Is this
something that you and Dean might want to sign � and is there a template for such
a document - I have cc�d Deb in case she can help here �
I am just full of questions � or something�
Thanks Liz

From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:37 AM
To: James, Denise
Subject: Re: attendance list
I agree and will call you. Boundaries bring about special interests and of course parochial
interests. I was somewhat taken back at the # of PTA/PTO presidents there last night. My
initial hope was such a volunteer would be a parent or citizen that was not a leader in the
PTA, etc., rather a citizen interested in the issue and process who cared to
get involve.
The County Council, Ramona Morrow, is now involved and I think this is a conflict of
interest to a certain extent. She was a Lake Braddock parent but is now the President of
the County Council. I am not saying she might not be a good committee member it just
seems to me to be a conflict.
From: James, Denise
To: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member); Bradsher, Elizabeth (School
Board Member); Tistadt, Dean; Hunter, Barbara M. (Gatehouse)
Cc: StCyr, Lori L; Vasapoli, Kathy; Tsai, Mary Ann
Sent: Wed Jul 21 11:17:06 2010
Subject: FW: attendance list
I am very concerned that so many folks signed in as �subs� and then took a seat at the
table with the other appointees. I have asked that at the next meeting, a seating area for
the public be labeled and that the sign in sheet only reflect the official appointees � if we
don�t address this up front, I think that the integrity of the work that gets done will
suffer � there is no need for others to sign in, receive materials such as notebooks or
special maps
Do you agree? I tried to make that point nicely last night � am I over-reacting? I do not
want any group to �hi-jack� this process because they have a particular agenda to
promote (Oakview, Frost, Woodson, for example)
Thanks � Denise
PS � notebooks and blackboard access are being secured for the board
members as requested.
From: Moy, Nancy H.
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:04 AM

To: James, Denise
Cc: Tsai, Mary Ann; Burke, Barbara
Subject: attendance list
Attached please find the attendance sheet from last night�s meeting.
You�ll note there were some �other attendees� who signed in and they are
Nancy Moy
Web Specialist
Dept. of Communications & Community Outreach
Fairfax County Public Schools
8115 Gatehouse Rd.
Falls Church, VA

From: Tistadt, Dean
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member); Wilson, Tessie (School
Board Member)
Sent: Thu Sep 09 10:45:40 2010
Subject: RE: Woodson PTSO Invitation
You are the best.� We will have them eating out of our hands just like
we did at Clifton.
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 10:06 AM
To: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member); Tistadt, Dean
Subject: Re: Woodson PTSO Invitation
Will do!
From: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member)
To: Tistadt, Dean
Cc: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Thu Sep 09 10:04:20 2010
Subject: RE: Woodson PTSO Invitation
I would appreciate it if you would go � and Liz, can you join him for
moral support? Thanks guys!
Tessie Wilson
School Board Member
Braddock District
From: Tistadt, Dean
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 9:09 AM
To: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member)
Subject: Re: Woodson PTSO Invitation
I certainly can.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member)
To: Tistadt, Dean
Sent: Thu Sep 09 08:30:33 2010
Subject: FW: Woodson PTSO Invitation
Should you go? I can�t � I�ve already committed to a back to school night.
Tessie Wilson
School Board Member
Braddock District
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 7:46 AM
To: Wilson, Tessie (School Board Member)
Subject: FW: Woodson PTSO Invitation
Do you plan on attending? I can work my schedule to attend. Just an FYI.
Elizabeth T. Bradsher
Fairfax County School Board
Springfield District
Phone: (571) 296-1875
Debora L. Cain, Executive Administrative Assistant
Phone: (571) 423-1070
From: Nell Hurley [mailto:hurleyjenkins@erols.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:08 AM
To: Tessie Wilson; Evans, Sandy (School Board Member); Reed, Patty
(School Board Member); Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member); Hone,
Tina (School Board Member); Moon, Ilryong (School Board Member); Raney,
Jim (School Board Member)
Cc: Yost, Jeffrey A.
Subject: Woodson PTSO Invitation
The officers of the W. T. Woodson High School PTSO invite you, the School Board
members who represent students at Woodson High School, to our first meeting of the
2010-2011 school year on Tuesday, 14 September, in the school library.
The meeting will begin at 7 pm, but to give visitors and new Woodson parents a little
extra time to park and make their way to the library, the first ten minutes will be filled
with routine business. At 7:10 the focus of the meeting will shift to discussion of the
proposal for "Woodson High School-Additional Bus Parking." To quote the 2232

application, "The proposed Woodson Bus Parking (51 bus spaces and 37 vehicle spaces,
88 spaces total and with about 400' in length and 200' wide, about 80,000 square feet)
Facility [...] will be fenced by 10' chain link fence and with sufficient illumination [ten
light poles, each thirty feet tall] and landscaping plants. [...]. Electrical plug port system is
proposed for bus heating. The buses will access Little River Turnpike (Rte. 236) from
Pickett Road. Bus activity is scheduled from 5:30 - 9:30 am and from 1 :00 - 5:30 pm
We respect your very full September calendars, and we will stick to a tight schedule.
Formal discussion on this matter will end no later than 7:55 pm. If you can stay longer, it
is likely that many of our members and guests will continue the discussion in the hallway,
so if you like you could talk with them while the formal PTSO meeting (budget,
committee reports, and the like) continues until 9 pm.
Nell Hurley
W.T. Woodson PTSO

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting thread on Fairfax Underground with some highlights of interesting conversations.

